
The OpenZen API is implemented using a pure CAPI to guarantee ABI stability. On top of this we provide a modern C++ wrapper to simplify API interactions and allow RAII. The C++ wrapper consists of three classes: zen::ZenClient, zen::ZenSensor, and zen::ZenSensorComponent. The client allows listing, obtaining and releasing of sensors; as well as waiting for and polling events. The sensor - obtained through the client - provides methods for executing, retrieving and updating properties of the core sensor; in addition to updating firmware and IAP. Additionally, it offers information about and access to the sensor components it houses. Each sensor component in turn provides methods for executing, retrieving and updating the component’s properties. Examples of sensor components are an IMU, GPS and temperature sensor.

The C++ API is contained in the file OpenZen.h and has support for C++14 and C++17. By default, the C++14 API will be used. If your project uses C++17 for compilation, the C++17 API will be automatically used. You can also force the usage of the C++17 API by defining the preprocessor variable OPENZEN_CXX17. The C++14 and C++17 APIs have the same method names but the C++17 uses more convenient return types via the std::optional class.

A complete example of the C++ API usage can be found at this example source file.

Initialisation and Cleanup

In your application, you can create any numbers of clients to manage the sensors that you want to communicate with. When a new client is created, the OpenZen backend needs to connect to subsystems, which can result in failure. To initialize a client, call the zen::make_client() function that returns an std::pair containing a potential ZenError and ZenClient instance. Before you use the returned ZenClient class instance check whether the returned error equals ZenError_None.

std::pair<ZenError, ZenClient> make_client() noexcept

A ZenClient instance is automatically destructed when it goes out of scope. If you want to terminate the client’s event queue prior to this, call the ZenClient::close function. This could be the case in multi-threaded systems.


Every ZenClient instance contains its own event queue which accumulates events from all sensors that were obtained on that client. Events can either be polled using ZenClient::pollNextEvent or waited for using ZenClient::waitForNextEvent. The only way to terminate a client that is waiting for an event, is by destroying the client or preemptively calling ZenClient::close.